Información en Español

We’re Ready to Fight for You and Your Family
Free Case Evaluation
100% Secure and Confidential
Free Case Evaluation
100% Secure and Confidential

Información en Español

El bufete de abogados McCravy, Newlon, Sturkie y Clardy, P.A. tiene más de 24 años de experiencia en lesiones personales, ya sean causados por accidentes de automóvil, accidentes en el trabajo, o por resbaladas y caídas. En adicional, hemos ayudado a muchas familias con negligencia médica.

Nuestros abogados y nuestros empleados son cristianos y los trataremos a todos como tal. Cuando venga a nuestra oficina para su consulta inicial gratis, puede venir con confianza. Su estado legal en este país no es de importancia cuando se trata de sus derechos legales sobre un caso de lesión personal. Lo más importante para nosotros es que nuestros clientes se sientan cómodos y tengan confianza.

Le ayudaremos a recibir el valor máximo y completo de su caso. Usted no paga si nosotros no colectamos. Nuestros abogados y asistentes legales son agresivos y con experiencia que llevarán su caso hasta el final y a juicio si es necesario, siempre manteniéndole el respeto que se merece.
Si tiene preguntas no dude en llamarnos al 864-344-4515 y pregunte por Lydia Ruiz.

  • Se habla Español
  • Consulta inicial GRATIS
  • Estado documental no es importante
  • Más de 24 años de experiencia
  • Venga con confianza
  • Varias oficinas para su conveniencia
  • Usted no paga si nosotros no colectamos*
  • Lesiones personales causadas por accidentes en el trabajo
  • Lesiones personales causadas por accidentes de auto
  • Incapacidad laboral médica

*se aplica solamente a ciertos casos

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a lawyer?

The best way to know if you need a lawyer is to ask. If you have injuries that you received medical attention for, it’s worth having a legal consultation. Your consultation is where you can decide if you want to hire a lawyer. We’ll explain the pros and cons and how a lawyer may help you

How much is my case worth?

Case values vary. Your losses and the strength of the legal case are the primary factors. The ability to collect compensation is important, too. There are things you can do to maximize the value of your case. Our lawyers can help.

Will my case settle?

Most cases settle. Building a strong case and negotiating effectively can help you reach a settlement. We’ll evaluate your case and the factors that make a case likely to settle. When we represent you, we’ll work towards your goals. That includes a settlement, if you choose.

What happens if I have to file a lawsuit?

Sometimes, you must file a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve. Even most cases that are filed still result in settlement. Filing the case makes the defense respond and it moves the claim forward. As your lawyer, we take care of the filing documents and legal procedure.

Should I speak with the insurance company before hiring a lawyer?

No. The insurance company can use your statements against you. They may try to confuse you or pressure you to accept a low offer. This is true even if you haven’t hired a lawyer yet. We can start representing you as soon as you sign up. Then, we speak to the insurance company for you.

Should I allow an insurance company access to my medical records?

Insurance companies like broad disclosures of medical records. They’re looking for things that might embarrass you or things they can use to minimize compensation, like pre-existing conditions. Our lawyers can help you respond to a request for medical records.

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