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What Causes Head-On Collisions?

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One of the most dangerous and deadly types of car accidents is known as a head-on collision. A head-on collision takes place when two cars collide directly into each other. Head-on collisions aren’t very common.

In fact, head-on collisions can be avoided if a driver simply pays attention. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When a head-on collision occurs, the results can be deadly.

There are several causes for head-on collisions in the United States. For more information, check out the following reasons for head-on collisions below.

Distracted Drivers

Driving while distracted is one of the simplest ways to cause a car accident. Again, abiding by the rules of the road and keeping an observant eye will help anyone avoid a head-on collision.

Taking your eyes off of the road for even a second could be catastrophic for a few reasons. One, a split-second decision you could easily make when youโ€™re looking at the road becomes impossible while youโ€™re texting.

Next, your car is still traveling when youโ€™re not focused. A small delay in thought can cause you to crash directly into another driver thatโ€™s expecting you to remain focused.

Severe Weather Conditions

Severe weather conditions can also cause head-on collisions. For example, wintry weather can limit the visibility of drivers and create a slushy and slippery mix on the road. At an unfortunate moment, a driver can lose control of their car and slam head-on into another driver’s car.

The motorist responsible can still be held liable for their role in the accident, especially if their car was in no condition to be on the road at the time.

The other driver could also be held liable if they failed to obey the rules of the road, stop focusing, and their car slammed into yours.

Inexperienced Driving

Inexperienced drivers are much more likely to cause a head-on collision than any other driver. There are many reasons why this happens, including:

  • Being unable to make split-second decisions
  • Failing to drive defensively
  • Poorly navigating severe weather conditions
  • Becoming distracted and taking their eyes off the road
  • Driving recklessly, such as speeding or failing to use turn signals

As you can see, inexperienced drivers don’t have the tools or sound judgment to travel safely on the road, wreaking havoc as a result.

Driving While Tired

Driving while tired can happen to anyone. The fatigue could be the result of working overtime on your job, experiencing some type of family emergency, or making a very long drive. Being tired severely limits your driving ability, no matter how long you’ve been doing it.

You may think that just because youโ€™re rapidly shutting your eyes or had a cup of coffee or an energy drink will make your driving better. The reality is that it wonโ€™t. Coffee and energy drinks will give you only a jolt of energy. If youโ€™re making a long drive, that wave of energy will wear off eventually.

Aggressive Driving

Some drivers drive aggressively on the road. An aggressive driver does not obey all of the rules of the road and does not drive defensively. For example, crossing lanes without signaling and trying to pass other drivers unsafely is known as aggressive driving.

A fatal mistake that an aggressive driver can make is using the turning lane to pass another driver without looking. These drivers will assume it’s safe to use the turning lane to pass a slower driver and instead collide with another motorist who was planning to make a turn.


Speeding is also a common cause of head-on collisions. One way speeding can cause a head-on collision occurs when a driver tries to “beat a light.” In this particular instance, a driver will see a yellow light and speed past the light to avoid the red light.

Sometimes, they will miscalculate their distance and completely run a red light, crashing into a driver who may have immediately moved forward when given the green light. Such an unfortunate turn of events that can result in severe injuries and even death for both motorists.

Failure to Obey the Rules of the Road

Failing to obey the rules of the road can lead to a head-on collision. Some people, for whatever reason, will enter a turning lane and keep straight. They may do this by accident because they weren’t paying attention, or perhaps they simply chose not to obey the law.

Either way, acting in this manner can cause the disobedient driver to collide with another driver expecting them to turn. For this reason, obeying the rules of the road is vital to protecting all drivers from serious car accidents.

Altered Traffic Patterns & Construction

Roads can be altered because of construction, causing the city to implement altered traffic patterns such as traffic cones and signs. Unfocused drivers wonโ€™t notice these changes in traffic and put other drivers at risk.

For example, a road can receive construction, prompting drivers to avoid the right lane so incoming traffic can pass. A distracted driver can still enter the right lane just as incoming traffic does as well, causing a head-on collision.

Broken traffic signs can also cause a head-on collision, but this is less common in major municipalities. If this does happen to you, you can file a claim against the city for their role in your accident.

If another motorist causes your accident, then you can file a claim against their insurance provider.

Give Us a Call Today!

Have you been recently injured in a head-on collision? Are your injuries the result of a negligent driver that knowingly disobeyed the rules of the road? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

The McCravy, Newlon, Sturkie and Clardy Law Firm specializes in personal injury claims for car accident victims. To learn more about how we can help you, give us a call today 866-MCCRAVY to speak to a member of our legal team and schedule an initial consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a lawyer?

The best way to know if you need a lawyer is to ask. If you have injuries that you received medical attention for, itโ€™s worth having a legal consultation. Your consultation is where you can decide if you want to hire a lawyer. Weโ€™ll explain the pros and cons and how a lawyer may help you

How much is my case worth?

Case values vary. Your losses and the strength of the legal case are the primary factors. The ability to collect compensation is important, too. There are things you can do to maximize the value of your case. Our lawyers can help.

Will my case settle?

Most cases settle. Building a strong case and negotiating effectively can help you reach a settlement. Weโ€™ll evaluate your case and the factors that make a case likely to settle. When we represent you, weโ€™ll work towards your goals. That includes a settlement, if you choose.

What happens if I have to file a lawsuit?

Sometimes, you must file a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve. Even most cases that are filed still result in settlement. Filing the case makes the defense respond and it moves the claim forward. As your lawyer, we take care of the filing documents and legal procedure.

Should I speak with the insurance company before hiring a lawyer?

No. The insurance company can use your statements against you. They may try to confuse you or pressure you to accept a low offer. This is true even if you havenโ€™t hired a lawyer yet. We can start representing you as soon as you sign up. Then, we speak to the insurance company for you.

Should I allow an insurance company access to my medical records?

Insurance companies like broad disclosures of medical records. Theyโ€™re looking for things that might embarrass you or things they can use to minimize compensation, like pre-existing conditions. Our lawyers can help you respond to a request for medical records.

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